活动时间: 2023.10.01-2023.12.31
活动代码: 223Q4EK
活动内容: 购买任意指标欣博盛ELISA试剂盒,可获赠相应礼品~
购 1个96T试剂盒,
赠 得力(deli)可伸缩桌面书立 或 酷睿冰尊(ICE COOREL)笔记本散热器;

购 2个96T试剂盒,
赠 小米蓝牙项圈耳机;

购 3个96T试剂盒,
赠 惠普(HP)蓝牙键盘;

购 5个96T试剂盒,
赠 探路者(TOREAD)大容量徒步包;

购 10个96T试剂盒,
赠 西部数据(WD) 移动硬盘

1. 2个48T可按照1个96T计算;2*96T,5*96T和10*96T的包装,每组按照1个96T试剂盒计算;
2. 欣博盛阶段性统计并发放礼品,发放时间存在一定滞后;
3. 本活动不与同期其他活动共享,最终解释权归欣博盛所有
期刊:Translational Oncology, 2023
使用产品:Human IFN-γ and TNF-α ELISA Kits
期刊:Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2023
使用产品:Mouse IL-1β ELISA Kit
期刊:Immunity, 2023
使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-18 ELISA Kits
Lv J, Wei Y, Yin J H, et al. The tumor immune microenvironment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma after gemcitabine plus cisplatin treatment. Nature Medicine, 2023, IF: 82.9
Zhu R, Yan T, Feng Y, et al. Mesenchymal stem cell treatment improves outcome of COVID-19 patients via multiple immunomodulatory mechanisms. Cell Research, 2021, IF: 44.1
Qian Y, Wang Z, Lin H, et al. TRIM47 is a novel endothelial activation factor that aggravates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice via K63-linked ubiquitination of TRAF2. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 2022, IF: 39.3
Chen R, Huang S, Lin T, et al. Photoacoustic molecular imaging-escorted adipose photodynamic-browning synergy for fighting obesity with virus-like complexes. Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, IF: 38.3
Li C, Feng L, Luo W W, et al. The RNA-binding protein LUC7L2 mediates MITA/STING intron retention to negatively regulate innate antiviral response. Cell Discovery, 2021, IF:33.5
Chen X, Wu R, Li L, et al. Pregnancy-induced changes to the gut microbiota drive macrophage pyroptosis and exacerbate septic inflammation. Immunity, 2023, IF: 32.4
Zeng Y, Wu R, Wang F, et al. Liberation of daidzein by gut microbial β-galactosidase suppresses acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Cell Host & Microbe, 2023, IF: 30.3
Liang W, Yang Y, Gong S, et al. Airway dysbiosesis accelerates lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cell Host & Microbe, 2023, IF: 30.3
Chen F, Li T, Zhang H, et al. Acid‐Ionizable Iron Nanoadjuvant Augments STING Activation for Personalized Vaccination Immunotherapy of Cancer. Advanced Materials, 2023, IF:29.4


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