活动时间: 2022.1.1-2022.4.30
活动代码: 22Q1EK
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四篇Nature文献引用,2020 IF:49.962
● Zhou P, She Y, Dong N, et al.2018Alpha-kinase 1 is a cytosolic innate immune receptor for bacterial ADP-heptose. Nature
● Shi J, Zhao Y, Wang K, et al.2015 Cleavage of gsdmd by inflammatory caspasesdetermines pyroptotic cell death. Nature
● Xu H, Yang J, Gao W, et al.2014 Innate immune sensing of bacterial modificationsof Rho GTPases by the Pyrin inflammasome. Nature
● Yue Zhao, Jieling Yang, Shao F, et al.2011 The NLRC4 inflammasome receptors for bacterialflagellin and type III secretion apparatus. Nature
期刊:Advanced Materials, 2021
使用产品:Mouse IL-6,IFN-γ and TNF-α ELISA Kits
● 我所用的欣博盛小鼠IL-6,IFN-γ,TNF-α ELISA试剂盒完成了文章工作中荷瘤小鼠瘤内相关细胞因子的测试,测试结果显示,纳米制剂诱导了相关促炎性因子的释放,数据可靠,试剂盒检测性能良好。
期刊:Advanced Science, 2020
使用产品:Mouse IFN-γ and IL-4 ELISA kits
● 本实验室使用多款欣博盛公司的ELISA试剂盒,总体质量稳定,灵敏性及性价比较国内同类产品有较好的优势。对于在实验中使用的Mouse IFN-γ和 IL-4 ELISA kit,利用强阳性对照,对比了多家试剂盒后,选择了批次稳定性高,且供货效率较高的欣博盛产品。
期刊:Nature, 2018
使用产品:Mouse IL-1β ELISA kit
● 本实验室长期使用欣博盛公司的小鼠IL-1β ELISA产品。该产品供货速度快,质量良好,检测灵敏度高,重复性好,价格公道,是不可多得的好产品,强烈推荐大家尝试使用。
● Chen R, Huang S, Lin T, et al. Photoacoustic molecular imaging-escortedadipose photodynamic-browning synergy for fighting obesity with virus-likecomplexes. Nature Nanotechnology. 2021, IF: 31.538
● Song R, Li T, Ye J, et al. Acidity-Activatable Dynamic Nanoparticles BoostingFerroptotic Cell Death for Immunotherapy of Cancer. 2021,IF:30.849
● Li J, Wang H, Wang Y, et al. Tumor-Activated Size-Enlargeable Bioinspired Lipoproteins Access Cancer Cells in Tumor to Elicit Anti-Tumor Immune Responses. Advanced Materials. 2020, IF:27.398
● Hou B, Zhou L, Wang H, et al. Engineering Stimuli-Activatable Boolean Logic Prodrug Nanoparticles for Combination Cancer Immunotherapy. Advanced Materials.2020, IF:27.398
● Ding J, Lu G, Nie W, et al. Self-Activatable Photo-Extracellular Vesicle for Synergistic Trimodal Anticancer Therapy. Advanced Materials.2021,IF: 27.398
● Lou F, Sun Y, Xu Z, et al. Excessive Polyamine Generation in Keratinocytes Promotes Self-RNA Sensing by Dendritic Cells in Psoriasis. Immunity.2020, IF:22.553
● He H, Xu P, Zhang X, et al. Aging-induced IL27Ra Signaling Impairs Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Blood.2020, IF:17.543
● Jiao J, He S, Wang Y, et al. Regulatory B cells improve ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction by modulating monocyte migration.2021,IF:17.165
● Zhong D, Xu X, Li Y, et al. Entirely Synthetic Bacterial Nanomimics for Highly-Effective Tumor Suppression and Immune Elicitation. Nano Today.2020, IF:16.907
● Wang J, Zheng C, Zhai Y, et al. High-density lipoprotein modulates tumor-associated macrophage for chemoimmunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Nano Today. 2021, IF: 16.907

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