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    浏览次数: 30
    1.文章题目:Hepatitis C virus NS3 protein enhances cancer cell invasion by activating matrix metalloproteinase-9 and cyclooxygenase-2 through ERK/p38/NF-κB signal cascade
    期    刊:
    Cancer letters (影响因子5.016)
    发表时间:08 October, 2014
    作    者:Lu L, Zhang Q, Wu K, et al.
    使用产品:Human MMP-9 Elisa kit 
    2.文章题目:Overexpression of Jagged-1 combined with blockade of CD40 pathway prolongs allograft survival
    期    刊:
    Immunology and Cell Biology (影响因子4.205)
    发表时间:7 October 2014
    作    者:Liu L J, Leung K H, Lin S, et al.
    使用产品:Mouse IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-β Elisa kit 
    3.文章题目:The role of visfatin on the regulation of inflammation and apoptosis in the spleen of LPS-treated rats
    期    刊:
    Cell and tissue research (影响因子3.333)
    发表时间:31 Oct 2014
    作    者:Xiao K, Zou W H, Yang Z, et al.
    使用产品: Rat IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-10 and IL-4 Elisa kit
    4.文章题目:Influenza A(H1N1) vaccination during early pregnancy transiently promotes hippocampal neurogenesis and working memory. Involvement of Th1/Th2 balance
    期    刊:
    Brain Research (影响因子2.828)
    发表时间:13 October 2014
    作    者:Xia Y, Qi F, Zou J, et al. 
    使用产品: Mouse IL-4, IL-6, IFN-γ, TNF-α and TGF-β Elisa kit
    5.文章题目:Up-regulation of proteoglycan 4 in temporomandibular osteoarthritic synovial cells by hyaluronic acid
    期    刊:
    Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine (影响因子1.87)
    发表时间:4 NOV 2014
    作    者:Guo H, Fang W, Li Y, et al.
    使用产品: Human  VEGF Elisa kit 
    6.文章题目:Upregulated periosestin promotes angiogenesis in keloids through activation of the ERK 1/2 and focal adhesion kinase pathways, as well as the upregulated expression of VEGF and angiopoietin‑1
    期    刊:
    Molecular Medicine Reports (影响因子1.484)
    发表时间:October 31, 2014
    作    者:Zhang Z, Nie F, Chen X, et al. 
    使用产品: Human VEGF Elisa kit

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